Introducing: Gary & The Clone - 'The Crowded Place'

 Gary & The Clone are a twin brother duo based out of California  and 'The Crowded Place' is the first track they have shared online so far.  The duo cite their influences as Arcade Fire, and The Smiths, but most importantly, each other. For us, we immediately drew comparisons to The Mountain Goats and Neutral Milk Hotel, especially with regards to the vocals.

'The Crowded Place' is a gentle yet energetic track rooted in the indie rock, genre but you can also hear both tropical and 60's inspired pop influences. Despite it's upbeat melody, the track takes on many different emotions that are explored through the storytelling in its lyrics.

'The Crowded Place'  is the title track cut from Gary & The Clone's debut EP which will be released on the 5th of March 2016.

Words of Karla Harris