Free Download: J.Normal - 'Smoke' & 'Fire'

London-based singer-songwriter, J.Normal seems to have entered 2016 straight from the 1980's and rightfully, makes no apologies for it. Not being shy about her introduction, it's been all systems go for this heroine of retro pop, who brought out her debut single, 'Fire' at the start of the month and has already followed up with, 'Smoke'.

Recorded onto tape, both tracks are tissues-at-the-ready, lo-fi, power-pop ballads of tremendous proportion. Where 'Fire' really amps up the focus on big programmed drum beats, 'Smoke' is a softer - yet no less emotional ride -  where the drums play a gentler role and programmed pianos lead in taking the listener on a climactic journey.

Themed around love, J.Normal conjures up a lot of feelings of teen angst in both tracks, (because for some reason -  we don't tend to admit to loving hard and having our hearts broken just as hard - as established adults!). Perhaps on listening,  you might just find yourself sobbing for no immediately apparent reason. As this we feel, is one of many of J.Normal's cunning plans for this year alone.

Both tracks are up for grabs on a "name your price" basis via bandcamp, so this means you can download a copy for free. Or alternatively, buy the tracks at a price you set yourself. 

Words of Karla Harris