Single Review: Episode - 'Lost in Cali' (demo)

'Lost In Cali' is the current demo track from New York based, indie rock, four-piece, Episode and as much as we're digging their confidence and the attire in their promo pic, we was wondering if a couple of them also may have gotten lost in time/ their wardrobes/ a world without mirrors. It's pretty clear this is a band with a sense of humour, and fortunately (for both us and them) they take their music a lot more seriously than their image. Just the way we like it.

A stripped back, acoustic track, 'Lost in Cali' (demo) is the perfect opportunity to expose the rawer aspects of the band. From the really lovely, gravelly, texture of lead singer Dan Lonner's vocals, to the band's ability to harmonise and how good their song writing is. There's a warm, honesty about Episode and the track explores the New Yorkers feeling confused and disconnected in the city of California. A city of dreams  that gives and takes, is at once magical and then cold and judgemental and just far removed from where they call home.

As the band explain:  "LA is a beautiful city. At its highs it feels surreal and distorted, but at it's lows it feels empty in the way that New York feels whole."

We have a lot of time for Episode and are sure that you will too.

Article by Karla Harris