Single Review: Lisbon - 'Vice'

"Whats your vice?" croons Newcastle-based four-piece Lisbon in their new track, 'Vice'. A question that even the best of us could probably come up with an answer for. Fortunately for us, we're allowed to keep our own vices to ourselves, and as Lead singer Matthew Varty explains:

"'Vice' is about being young, drunk, in love, troubled, and crazy all at the same time. Lyrically I wanted the song to sound like a diary entry, like some sort of confession. When you’re under pressure and you start juggling all these vices, it makes a recipe for an incredibly fun disaster."

What's really lovely about this track is that Lisbon have taken a really cool fusion approach, but not in an overtly obvious way. From the first 4 seconds which open in a way that reminded us of retro 80- 90's hip hop, to the funk-infused guitar riffs and the disco percussive backing, Lisbon are getting their groove on whilst still remaining "alternative" and current.  We're new to Lisbon but from a quick listen to their older stuff, Varty has also switched up the vocals  with a smoother, more soulful, echoed tone that Lisbon fans might not have expected.

One of the bugbears of many fans across any genre is change. Regardless of this, it's really important that musicians continue to push their own boundaries,create fresh ideas for themselves and experiment with their sound to show what they can really do.  While they haven't completely reinvented themselves, Lisbon have delivered something slightly different, and still maintained the same amount of energy and "must-listen" enthusiasm as their previous tracks.

What more could you want?

Words of Karla Harris