The Band Explains: HAWK - 'Once Told' (Video)

Who: HAWK are an alternative four-piece based in London. They are Julie Hawk  (vocals, guitar), Matthew Harris  (guitar),Chris Handsley (bass) and Sam Campbell (drums).

About The Track: 'Once Told' is taken from HAWK’s latest self-titled EP, released 15th April 2016 via Veta Records.  'Once Told' is a politically  provocative track that's predominately indie rock in nature. It also features echoes of neo psychedelia which, alongside Julie Hawk's ethereal wails, adds  very surreal layers to the song.

The Band Explains:
"We filmed 'Once Told' in the community hall at the back of our rehearsal space – the building is a made up of practise space and communal rooms for dominoes tournaments and drumming circles. It permanently smells of incense and rollies. It’s a great space to work in as the windows are totally blacked out. We basically went on a hunt for old furniture to create the scene – old TVs which actually work and can be connected to a laptop are surprisingly tricky to find, and a lot heavier than they look.

The song is about Ireland restrictive laws on abortion and their effects on women’s lives. We know that this is a global issue, but also an incredibly personal one. We wanted to create a video that expresses the tension between abortion as both a social topic and personal choice, and the pressures that come with that. The video is all about claustrophobia and frustration at not having your needs reflected by those who call the shots. James shot a lot of scenes in both bright and dim lighting, to create the sense of dual reality.

Behind the scenes story? The lamp that Sam is struggling with is my favourite lamp. He broke it twice that day. It is still broken.

The imagery was chosen to enhance the sense of claustrophobia. The TVs depict myself singing the song, as if over and over again. We did this  to reflect the multiple voices, the different advice, public opinion and potentially, the internal dilemma which surrounds the issue.

The message we are conveying is whatever your situation, it is frustrating and enraging to have your wishes ignored and your capacity to choose withheld."  - Julie Hawk