The Band Explains: Open to the Hound - 'Liquid Lady' (Video)

Who: Open to the Hound are a grunge folk / indie rock three-piece based out of Denver, Colorado. They are G.O. York (vox, guitar), Jarrod Allen Lacy (drums, keys) and  Russell Anderson (bass)

About The Track:
  'Liquid Lady' is a folk story told delicately through crunchy indie guitars and strong melodies.

Open To The Hound Explains:
1.Who produced the video? Where was it filmed?
Open to the Hound's (OttH) founder and frontman Garrison Owenn York works for a small video production company called Fourth Wall Productions. Fourth Wall Productions, all members of OttH, and friends and family produced the video. It cost about $22 to make. It was filmed in Colorado: at Kenosha Pass (10,000 ft above sea level), Loretto Heights Theater (built in the 60s), and Garrison's parents garage.

2. How does the video compliment the song ?
The video is a direct reflection of the lyrical content. We explore the theories of time travel, multi-dimensionality, parallel universes, and wormholes. What are we able to discover? Who will we become? The Liquid Lady is a personification for singularity. Perhaps falling through a black hole is not painful, but purely ecstatic. A cosmic traveller ushers you through reality.

3. Any behind the scenes stories?
Filming the outdoor scenes at 10,000 feet above sea level in the middle of December was epic! We experienced a -7 degree Fahrenheit wind chill. Our camera shutter began to freeze shut, so after 4 hours of filming we called it a wrap! The tent is an original canvas from the Denver Tent Company, something York grew up with.

4. Tell us about the ideas/ themes/ imagery used?
Costumed by Christine Samar (York's girlfriend), a Mad Max, Water World, Star Wars esque vibe was created. Cosmic travelers well worn and seasoned. The Liquid Lady (OttH's drummer's wife, Gioja Antonette) is the personification of wormhole travel. To convey the vastness of space, the harsh and beautiful world of Mother Nature, the concept that we exist in multiple dimensions. Cosmic twins.

5. What is the message the video is trying to convey?

 Everything is. Everthing was. What part of reality is reality? We are constantly exploring. In our lifetime. In a lifetime.