Album Review: 48 Hours - 'Expectations'

When a band spends three years working on their second LP, teasing and hinting at what’s to come through social media and their live shows, the anticipation puts a lot of pressure on them to deliver. 48 Hours needed to hit the take-off hard if they were ever going to clear the bar they set for themselves. Pop 'Expectations' on and immediately the riff-machine opens up full-throttle with the album’s lead single 'Martyr'. If you’re not swishing your luscious locks around, pulling an intense rock-out face, then you’ve not turned the volume up enough.

In the time since the release of their debut LP, 'Recovery', this trio have been honing their sound, peddling their musical wares and building a following up and down the UK. Rewarding the patience of their fan base is a 10-track powerhouse of musicianship that will leave you hoping you’re not waiting another 3 years for more. A sound established; a stage set; 48 Hours have clearly stated who they are and what they’re about.

Leading on from the opening track, 'Given Up' keeps up the momentum with another memorable riff. ‘Liars’ sees the boys change gear with a more adventurous riff. The verse chugs away into the chorus, where the music takes a step back to allow Adam Jerome’s pretty bridge vocals to shine through: “Liars, liars, every single one of them.” Two minutes in and a serious break down carries you to the final chorus. The band goes 3 for 3 with choruses that will have you singing along before you even realise.

Deep into the album’s midriff, three more pounding songs – 'No More', 'Best Mistake', and 'Price You Pay'—deliver you to 48 Hours’ foray into the land of ballads. Almost every rock band has that one memorable ballad. 'Gone' is a very respectable ballad that doesn’t quite cement in your mind as that song, but what it does do is give the album depth and contrast. It also lets you have a moment to breathe.

Don’t get too comfortable though; the re-working of their stop-gap single, 'Forget', slams the LP into the back stretch with only two tracks to come. Rounding off the piece are 'Violent Addiction', rip-roaring mosh-along, and the album’s title track. 'Expectations' is a change of pace that wraps up this intense effort by 48 Hours. From the dirty bassline to the galloping of drums in the beat-down in the final third of the track, this is the full stop this album deserves.

'Expectations' sees a band fully in control of their future. There is some diversity, whilst staying true to their staple sound, as well as the growth of the things they were already known for. I’ve tried to avoid saying it, but I had high hopes for this album and it has exceeded my expectations.

'Expectations' is released 01/04/2016 and is available on CD and from all major digital outlets.