Introducing: Karmic - 'Crazy Mad World' (Single)

Electronic indie pop band Karmic are on a mission to help heal  our 'Crazy Mad World'.
Karmic are a US-European musical collective based in Los Angeles who have created a beautiful piano-led, electronic pop ballad full of hope, empathy and unity to fight back against gun crime.  With touching melodies, startlingly heartfelt crystalline vocals and some edgy atmospheric synths, the tone is serious, but full of soothing truths as the band explains:

"When the news of the Orlando shooting hit, we felt stunned and powerless like everyone else - an altogether too familiar feeling in these unsettled times. It's a crazy world we live in, and though it's filled with love and beauty it's also filled with darkness and hate. As songwriters, all that we have in our power is our words and our music, so we wrote this song in the hope that it might help to ease the pain and promote love, hope and unity."

Words of Karla Harris