The Band Explains: FALLS - 'Get Well Soon' (Video)

Who:  Defining their sound as "fuck rock | gash pop | sasscore" FALLS  are a special kind of topless quartet based in North Wales. 

About The Track: 'Get Well Soon' is taken from the band's EP "One Hundred Percent Strong" out now via Venn Records.
The track features an experimental yet accessible punk rock sound with infectious melodies tied together by big riffs and jarring rhythms. 

The Band Explains:
"'Get Well Soon' is all about someone getting better, and soon at that. Like when you watch Holby City with your mum but she's got a cough. You want her to get well soon so that she'll stop coughing so you can unravel the deep and foreboding socio-political narrative hidden beneath many external layers of marriage proposals and inflamed appendixes. (Yes I've googled that last word and yes it is correct, so ner ner ner).

We wanted the video to look like an old TOTP2 episode because I don't go out on Friday nights anymore and all I seem to ever watch on the television is videos of Haircut 100 and Aha playing songs I don't remember from a time before I entered our realm. Our videographer (SHOUT OUT GIANNI K - is a total wizard and understood our flurry of barely legible messages prior to filming so that we could give the illusion of a coherent and competent band."

Feature by Karla Harris