Introducing: INTW - 'Quicksand' (Single)

INTW shares his despondency with the world in new cut, 'Quicksand'.
I can never quite stress enough the importance of giving young people a platform to voice their concerns about the socio-political happenings of the world. For me, this most definitely should begin at 16. Here in the UK, 16 year olds face many responsibilities and are entrusted with some big choices. For example, they are old enough to leave education and start careers, pay income tax, legally have consenting adult relationships and choose to bring another human life into the world, get married, join the army - but are denied the basic right to vote. A vote that very much includes key decisions that affect their lives and prevents youth issues from properly being represented.

Stockholm's 16 year old INTW  ( pronounced intwa) is a refreshing example of the maturity, discordance and empathy that his age group are capable of possessing. 'Quicksand' is a beautiful, heart wrenching and poignant social commentary on the senselessness of society. The electronics are  both chirpy and tender, serious and attentive. INTW's vocals are melancholy, soulful and sincere. This is a track built out of sorrow, wrapped in a warm soundscape, full of  substance, deserving of being listened to.

Words of Karla Harris