Band To Check Out: PHIN - 'You're Saving Me' / 'Fear' (Singles)

Nashville indie-rock band PHIN return with their latest single, 'You're Saving Me'. 
PHIN emerge from indie rock hibernation with 'You're Saving Me', the first cut from a determined one song a month project that will culminate in the band's next full length album aptly named '12 Months' to be completed in July 2017.

Through raspy rock vocals, and  heavy textured guitars that fluidly take on different forms, 'You're Saving Me' is a huge indie rock ballad that revolves around never underestimating or undervaluing the power and extent of basic human kindness.

"PHIN’s lead singer Toby Haydel says the track is, “…a way to say thank you to everyone who chooses to live their life selflessly and use their influence to love others. It is amazing that lives can be saved by simple acts of kindness, and we believe acknowledging this can help inspire the pursuit of selfless love.”

August's instalment sees the release of 'Fear', the 2nd single of 12 that opens with fuzzy guitars and sporadic synth. 'Fear' has more of a groove in its step and a little bit more diversity than its predecessor but is equally as contemplative  and positive in its theme:

“‘Fear’ begins by asking rhetorical questions about the doubt we experience in our lives that prevents us from venturing out of our comfort zones. As the song progresses, I try and answer those doubts with assurances of hope and confidence. I wanted to enforce the idea that we never know what obstacles will come our way in life, but with hope, you can overcome any challenge. - Toby Haydel

It is with 'You're Saving Me' and 'Fear' I make my introduction to PHIN and I am pleasantly surprised by the amount of tone, vigour, vividness and style they bring into the way they play their instruments and command their sound. Well worth keeping an eye on these guys!

Words of Karla Harris