The Artist Explains: Grace Joyner - 'Dreams' (Video)

Indie pop songstress Grace Joyner  speaks to us about the music video for her new single 'Dreams ' taken from her recently released album 'Maybe Sometimes – in C.' out now on Hearts + Plugs.
 Produced by Ben Joyner and Taylor MacDonald, 'Dreams' (video) premiered with  The Wild Honey Pie  and sees the male lead (Parker Stewart) haunted by the vision of a lost love (Grace Joyner).

About The Track:  Hazy, ethereal indie with a slow burning 70's/80's pop rock rhythm that takes the best of vintage whilst maintaining an innovative, modern day appeal.
"'Dreams' might be its most important track, the one that the album's themes of moving on from heartbreak into independence and self-assurance hinge upon."  - Grace Joyner

Grace Joyner Explains:
Where was the video filmed?
We had 2 nights in Savannah, GA, and 1 night in Charleston, SC.

How does the video compliment the song?
When we recorded this song, it immediately felt very visual. It has a hazy, dreamy, sexy vibe, and we worked on the video to reflect that.

Any behind the scenes stories?
Well my brother, Ben Joyner, was a co-directer along with Taylor MacDonald. It was so fun working with him on a professional level. One of the highlights was when we were shooting the hotel scene and the power went out for like 3 hours. All the shots were at night, so we only had a small window to get everything in. This hotel was in Jasper County, South Carolina, and it was no joke. There was a Alligator in the pond outside the room. We all had to relax because we couldn't shoot until the power came back on so we were able to just eat, and drink (Milwaukee's Best from the shoot), and hang out. Everything was "go go go" all the time it was nice to be able to chill with the crew for a minute and take a bit of a break.

Tell us about the ideas/ themes/ imagery used?
We hear ethereal a lot in reference to our sound. We applied this imagery to the video. We wanted my character to come across as an omniscient narrator, that has a part in the story, but its not all laid out for the audience. And Parker Stewart, the lead, was working to portray a man in the middle of a very low moment. He pulled it off so flawlessly. It came together very naturally. Ben and Taylor are so good at envisioning the finished product & following through with every detail. They are both perfectionists which makes for an intense shoot, but the results are undeniable.

What is the message the video is trying to convey?
It sort of maps out a day in life of heartbreak. We all have gone through this & its pretty defeating. This video is an inside look into the mind of someone dealing with this struggle.

Interview feature by Karla Harris