Introducing: Mïrändä - 'Memoria' (Single)

New York electronic producer and artist Mïrändä unveils genre fusing single, 'Memoria'

Traversing the musical spectrum is Mïrändä with her visionay new cut 'Memoria'. While the single opens with a dreamy, electronic backdrop and ethereal vocals, 'Memoria' moves with a fluidity and a grounded nature that sees every sense spike with interest as the track unfurls into a haunting, experimental and artistic pop track - pitting attitude, intrigue, playfulness, evocation and a brooding nature at war with one another.

'Memoria' is taken from Mïrändä's deubt EP 'Empire' which is out now and as the artist explains,  "each song on 'Empire' is its own textured world, transcending the limitations of sound and exciting all of the senses."

Words of Karla Harris