Single Review: Honey and Salt - 'A Nihilist Takes Up Knitting'

Austin, Texas’ Honey and Salt have released the opening track of their upcoming self-titled debut album. Entitled ‘A Nihilist Takes Up Knitting’, the track is a fast-paced track filled with intricate melodies.

The upbeat and summer-anthem sounding beginning makes way for gritty lyrics with socio-political undertones. The track highlights the band’s ability in many ways; they blend Kinsella-esque guitar sounds with the rest of their sounds to create a track that can be described as raucous.

The upcoming self-titled album from Honey and Salt follows a theme of wrestling with the chaotic climate of today’s world and searching for how to stay optimistic despite national and global issues: a relevant theme that we are looking forward to hearing explored when the album is released.

Words by Max Herridge