Live Review: Novelists & Landmvrks - Boston Music Rooms, London 01/05/2018
Novelists and Landmvrks are two bands that have their own little niche in the metalcore world. French but English speaking, both bands mingle with an enraptured audience before the first bands take to the stage.
Novelists - Photo Credit: Rhys Haberfield |
Landmvrks - Photo Credit: Rhys Haberfield |
With Lifetight having dropped from the original lineup, opening the stage tonight are Buckinghamshire based six piece As Everything Unfolds. A decently sized crowd shows for the post-hardcore band’s set that features tracks from their “Collide” EP, most recent single “Centuries” and a new song due for release in the coming weeks.

The room fills considerably in time for The Sun Never Set, a group that already have some traction in the London scene. Seven string guitars, and riffs galore get the audience energised enough for the first of the French bands, Landmvrks.

High off the release of their most recent single “Scars”, Landmvrks’ energetic set gets the crowd jumping, moshing and singing back with wild abandon. As small a venue as Boston Music Room is, circle pits form and bodies fly, a decent reception for the band’s first taste of the UK scene.

Novelists’ have such a presence and interaction with the audience that the band fills the relatively small stage with ease. By this point, the Boston Music Room is equally packed and vocalist Mattéo’s foray into the audience’s midst is met with acute excitement. Altogether it doesn’t seem like there’s a dissatisfied soul in attendance, the bands retire to their respective merch stalls and meet with fans both new and old.

Words and Photography by Rhys Haberfield