Live Review: Swimming Girls - Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen, London 15/10/2018


I’m not entirely sure why everyone is obsessed with Dark Indie Pop recently, nor the repeated revival of 80’s synths (I’m looking at you The 1975...), but you can sign me right up if it sounds anything like Swimming Girls did at a sold out Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen.

I won't lie; I had my reservations. A rainy Monday night in Hoxton never goes well, but never again can I say that after a dreamy night filled with dark indie ballads and indie-pop bops. Supported by the likes of Emily Isherwood and SUN SILVA, Hoxton’s mundane Monday night was about to be rocked.  

Mastering a blend of The Cure, The Bangles, and just about anything 80’s for that matter, Swimming Girls give a well needed fresh and unique taste to this crowded genre - and this performance was nothing but living proof. From foot-stamping teens to hip-swaying mums & dads, Swimming Girls had no problem with getting Hoxton off their feet and shaking off those Monday blues - with lead singer Vanessa even treating us to a gorgeous solo performance that even had the entirety of London applauding.

I wasn't surprised that the entire crowd was demanding one more song at the end. I guess my only complaint would be that they didn’t play another song. Or perhaps two...

Words and Photography by Jordan Logan