Video Premiere: Bianca Bazin - 'Poor Thing'

To coincide with the release of her new music video, Bianca Bazin tells us about the creative process behind her bewitching, dark visuals for her debut single, ‘Poor Thing’.
Citing influences from Ludovico Einaudi to London Grammar, Lana Del Rey and Dua Lipa, Bianca Bazin’s 'Poor Thing’ is a striking track, artfully crafted to transcend time and convention.

Bianca Bazin Explains:
Where was the video for 'Poor Thing' filmed? 
The video was filmed in Tring. We hired a community centre. It was all shot in a room using various backdrops and lighting. 

How does the video connect with the song?
The song was a release of emotion that I couldn't express to a person. The video was meant to portray the idea of hiding your true feelings behind different masks; painting on a smile but the eyes still tell the truth. 

Are there any behind the scenes stories you could share with us? 
Aside from the very strange looks I received from passers by as my flaking makeup fell into my lunch, it took 4 hair washes to get all the hair spray out of my hair! That stuff was like glue!

Can you tell us about the ideas/ themes/ imagery used? 
The idea for the clowns actually came to me in a dream and I loved it. I passed the idea onto the videographers, Infinite Film, who went on to help me develop it. The ballet dancer was the most 'perfect' image, slick and hauntingly beautiful. From here the hair gets wilder and the imagery grows scarier. The joker smile makeup was about painting on a smile and covering up true feelings. This makeup went on to crack and flake to give the idea of true feelings being uncovered and the show falling apart. The rag doll was to create a feeling of helplessness and letting external forces control you. 

Is there a message the video is trying to convey?
Life can be scary sometimes. It throws the unexpected at you all the time and it's up to you how you decide to deal with it. You can let it control you and give up, you can pretend everything is ok, or you can just let go, trust it will all be ok and see where the journey takes you.

Interview feature by Karla Harris