Emma Elisabeth - 'What A Waste'

Emma Elisabeth supplies a slice of classic Swedish indie pop with her latest single, ‘What A Waste’.

Raised in Sweden but operating out of Berlin, Emma Elisabeth channels honesty and vulnerability into her latest offering ‘What A Waste’, depicting a relationship that failed to last. The track comes off the back of what was a significant 2018 for the artist, with the release of her singles ‘Soul Traveller’ and ‘Into the Blue’. Elisabeth was also a showcase artist at SXSW, which led to support slots with Sunflower Bean and L.A. Witch.

Tying Emma Elisabeth down to one genre would be doing her disservice, ‘What A Waste’ is lead by a strong bass, with undertones of heavy guitar, but the mixture of minimal synthesizers really gives her a unique sound. It’s clear that rock leads Elisabeth’s music, drawing similarities to Wolf Alice, but with all its other influences coherently mixed in, it really shows off Emma Elisabeth’s brilliant control over her sound and her true talent.

‘What A Waste’ is the first taste of what we can expect from Elisabeth’s upcoming full-length debut, ‘Melancholic Milkshake’. Self-produced, the LP is expected to be brimmed with unapologetically personal lyrics and heartfelt pop melodies to match.

Words of Danial Kennedy

‘What A Waste’ is available now on all major streaming platforms. Listen on Spotify, here.