Don McAllister - 'Camouflage'

London Pop/ R&B singer Dom McAllister has our attention on powerful new single ‘Camouflage’ taken from his forthcoming debut EP ‘Low On A Wave’.

Through warning shots of forward thinking electronic R&B textures and subtle trap influences rings Dom McAllister’s rich, soulful vocal on ‘Camouflage’, which sees McAllister convince his listener that this is not a drill, he’s coming in big with a dark, alluring mainstream sound that screams he’s the real deal. There’s a thrilling sense of suspense at the core of the track, but McAllister has created a meticulously crafted sound that is as emotionally rich as it is explorative and exciting.

On the track McAllister explains, “‘Camouflage’ begins at a dark place but leads to something empowering; control. It’s easy to go off the rails and lose control at times. It’s not as easy to remind ourselves not to get into our heads. Sometimes it takes some sort of rock bottom to get there. PTSD from war was used as a metaphor to symbolise feeling stuck in depression. Army references describe the thought processes of giving up and covering up. Paying attention and taking care of yourself helps us to do better for the ones around us”.

’Camouflage’ is taken from McAllister’s upcoming debut EP ‘Low On A Wave’ which looks set to be a personal EP that explores his struggles with depression, messy relationships and the adversity he was subjected to because of his sexuality and should put him firmly on the map for one to watch as 2020 grows ever closer.

Words of Karla Harris