The Artist Explains: Eliza Shaddad - 'Girls'


Singer-songwriter Eliza Shaddad has released new single ‘Girls’, an ode to one of her oldest friends. She took a moment to talk to us about the track, and how her EP is coming along. 

Your new track ‘Girls’ is out now, can you tell us what the track is about? 
Sure - It’s about the about the light and dark of growing up with someone.

Where was the track recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the recording process that you are happy to share with us? 
It was recorded in a bungalow in Cornwall right next to the ocean. I recorded almost all of my new EP there and it was a whole new way of recording for me, kind of lo-fi but super detailed, and I found it really exciting but kind of scary too:) I worked with producer Ben Jackson on it and we were entirely isolated while making it - and the rest of my life was kind of in upheaval so it was pretty intense.

The track provides us with the first taste of what is come on your future EP, how is that coming along? When will we get a chance to hear it? 
It’s done!! All mixed and mastered and it’s coming out over the Autumn/Winter so not long to go :) 

What do you hope listening will take from listening to the track? 
I’d love the song to be a reminder to check on your friends, and to let people in on your problems.

You are headlining a free show on the 6th November at London’s Pop Brixton, will you be playing much of the new EP? Or will you be keeping that secret? 
Haha I can hardly wait to play these tracks so we’ll be playing some if not all of them for sure :)) 

Now the track is out there, what next?
We’ve got this Pop Brixton Show to celebrate the release which is going to be so so fun, and then over the next few months we have the EP to come, some crazy exciting live announcements, and some travel :)

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