Getting Intimate With #002 -Mary Eckert

Having spent the majority of her adolescence exploring musical opportunities in order to find her own voice, the now nineteen-year-old singer and songwriter Mary Eckert recently found her sweet spot between indie-folk and modern soul, culminating in the release of her debut single ‘Do You Even Feel’.

Given that her initial release focuses on the intimate and emotional feelings that build up over the course of a relationship, we thought we would get up close and personal with the young songstress to find out more about her unique quirks and the things in life that bring her joy.

Last time I cried was…
Thursday evening whilst watching 'Call The Midwife' season 7 episode 7. Heart-breaking episode. 

When I'm stressed I…
Listen to / and or write music or drawing. 

The album I play over and over again is…
This changes all the time but currently Daniel Caesar's 'Freudian'. 'Neu Roses' is my favourite track on the album, All the harmonies leave me all warm and happy. 

The last person I spoke to on the phone was…
A course mate trying to arrange rehearsals. Trying to organise band rehearsals is a task!

My favourite place in the world is…
I haven't found my favourite place in the world yet but I’m sure it’s out there somewhere. 

My favourite comfort food dish is…
My grandmother’s pasta bake. I've never tasted anything more comforting and yummy, probably because of all the love it’s made with. 

My biggest regret is…
I try not to live with regrets but last year when I started university at Leeds College of Music, I was way too harsh and critical on my music and myself. It really made things like writing sessions, gigs and posting on social media a difficult task when it didn't need to be. I regret turning down opportunities and not having enough confidence to do what I love. You should always back yourself. 

The movie I watch when I'm sad is…
When I’m sad I don't tend to watch movies because I’ve never been massively keen on TV. When I’m sad I like to be with friends, cup of tea in hand with some biscuits. 

My last thought before falling asleep last night was…
To help me sleep I often create stories and scenarios in my mind so my last thought depends on what I’ve decided to create/ dream that night. 

The last book I read was…
It’s been a while since I properly sat down and read a book. However, I’m currently preparing for a university assignment where I’ll need to speak about gender and sexuality in popular music, so I’ve been reading Holly Kruse's gender paper on repeat. 

Interview by Chris Bound

Mary Eckert’s debut single ‘Do You Even Feel’ is available to stream and download now. You can listen to it below.