Shy Parlour - 'Ghosts'

Shy Parlour combines minimalistic electronic influences with an analog touch on affecting current single, ‘Ghosts’.

Featuring haunting anaolg synth and a pulsating drum machine rhythm, ‘Ghosts’ is a track that crawls with emotion not only in Shy Parlour’s compelling vocal but in every inch of its production, opening with a spaciousness before becoming more compact and electrifying. Shy Parlour builds on the minimalistic bones of the track with darting, invigorating textures to create a song that moves with a shadowy fluidity and feels deceivingly fleshed out.

On the track Shy Parlour explains, “This is the first song I've ever released solo. I had been working on some acoustic stuff for the past couple of years but not until my brother reminded me of how many singer-songwriters there are, then I started to think that maybe there's another way. I bought an analog synth, a drum machine...

I wanted to create an atmosphere that reflects loneliness (it's what the song is about among other things), so I stripped down layers and elements to keep it as as minimalistic as possible”.

What Shy Parlour has done here is create a song with a strong, thoughtful narrative that creatively pulls dark, retro influences into adrenaline pumping contemporary listening. A promising new direction from a creative who definitely knows his way around evocative melodies.

Words of Karla Harris