Sea Wolf - 'Fear of Failure'

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It has been a long time coming, but the Sea Wolf has returned after four years away with the highly emotive new single 'Fear of Failure'. 

The Los Angeles-based band have been around for some time now, having broken through with their debut LP 'Leaves in a River' way back in 2007. Two more full lengths followed on from there, but we've not seen any new material from the band since 2014. 

Sea Wolf have been teasing their new LP since 2017, but the wait will soon be over for fans as its release is expected next year with live shows in the UK to be announced in celebration of the release

.With such a long period of absence, a lot can change and that certainly happened to Sea Wolf's lead singer Alex Brown Church, experiencing several significant life events and it is these that shape Sea Wolf's new material and makes it there most personal and intimate to date. 

'Fear of Failure' is the rawest of them all, with Church admitting that it took him a "long time" to get to a place where he felt this song could be released. The honesty that is on display is heart breaking, but beautifully highlights the power of vulnerability while offering a sense of hope and it is truly a breakthrough moment for Sea Wolf. 

Words by Danial Kennedy

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