Track By Track: Nature TV - 'Emotion Sickness EP'


Brighton’s very own Nature TV released their impressive ‘Emotion Sickness EP’ last month, the band took a moment to talk to us about the release - track by track. 

She Wants To See You Cry
The intro to this song was originally going to be a whole different track but I hit a wall with that so we did it as an intro one time in practice and it stuck. I wrote it partially a while ago and it came back with a vengeance I guess.  It combines two terrible acquaintances into one joyful package.

Side Eye
We’re normally pretty relaxed so it feels good to have some kind of pumper on the EP. It’s a track about misunderstandings and miscommunications. But mainly it feels fast and emotional, well at least for me. Normally I’d describe I suppose my life as slow and emotional so it’s a good change of pace. 

Ride and Die
It’s a track for when you’re down in the dumps, on a classic English, grey and rainy day, trying to make you feel better by being cosy with, well anybody really. Friends or lovers, it makes no difference, at least you’re not out in the rain. Plenty of those days in a dingy little flat with Josh. The weather was cold but we tried to keep it a lil steamy. 

This is just the embodiment of fancying my boss at work but she had a boyfriend. I thought I would have made I better one, but apparently not. I never told her though to be fair. Keep quiet and feel crushed. That’s the way. 

Only One
We wanted to delve into our jazzier influences on Only One and make the kind of thing you might play on a late night drive or could imagine accompanying a sepia film. All hazy city lights and steam.

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