Brayden Sibbald - 'Compass'

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 Brayden Sibbald pleas for some relief as he tries to navigate huge waves of heartfelt emotion on current single, ‘Compass'.

Buoyant electronic beats give a fresh and clunky intro to the song before Brayden Sibbald’s, emotive vocal comes in with a magnetism that has you fully hooked from the second he starts to sing. As the track develops Sibbald’s vocal becomes more impassioned and raw, shuddering with authentic emotion. In turn, the production incorporates melodic chimes which glisten between the rockier aspects of the production, seeming to add a soothing and comforting element to the overall atmosphere of the song.

Thematically, ‘Compass’ is a track about feeling a bit lost, making mistakes and searching for a way back. The driving rhythm of the song is slightly disjointed, which for me is a great way of representing that feeling when you’re a bit out of sync with yourself and other people. Sonically, ‘Compass’ ends with ambient production that carries a glacial chill and this is poignant for me because when you feel lost, it’s easy to disconnect and grow colder on the inside. But for me, this cold spell doesn’t sound like defeatism. Instead, it reminded me of the sound of the sun melting away icicles, showing promise of new, warmer beginnings; an incredibly affecting song that crawls deep under the skin with its shivering realism.

Words of Karla Harris