Live Review: Cleopatrick – Omeara, London 20/03/19

Cleopatrick - Omeara - 20-03-19-88.jpg

Canadian rock duo Cleopatrick are nothing short of incredible when it comes to their live performances, with only a guitar and a drum kit this pair still blast out some of the hardest rock anthems about at the moment! It had been a while since they had graced the UK with their presence, so what better than kicking off a headline tour at London’s Omeara!!

The room was electric with energy from the hungry fans, ready to gorge themselves on some tasty tunes! As the duo took to the stage, a roar erupeted from the darkness and before we knew it they had kicked into ‘Daphne Did It’ which sent the room into a whirlwind of bodies; Cleopatrick were officially back!! Having just premiered their latest single ‘Sanjake’ on Kerrang earlier that day, it would have been rude to not treat the audience to a rendition of this red hot hit; as the first riff came out of the speakers the crowd once again surged forward and sung the lyrics as if the song had been out years not mere hours. Another highlight came during ‘Chromeo’, which is a straight party song, its catchy chorus could be heard on the other side of The Thames. Nearing the end of the show Cleopatrick pushed it into hyper drive and gave us a quick time round, 3 of their biggest hits one after another; ‘Hometown’, ‘Depths’ and finally ‘Youth’ which had the room shaking from the amount of bouncing from the band and the crowd!

Crowdsurfing, inflatable aliens and the hardest shredding guitar, these Canadian nationals sure know how to play a rock show! Knowing how much the UK love this band we are sure it won’t be long before they make their return to this great green isle; but as for the rest of the UK and Europe they are in for an absolute treat!!

Words and Photography by Joe Dick