Inspired #0027 - DC


Having made quite the impact supporting JHus on his tour back in 2017, South East London rapper DC has just dropped his new mixtape ‘Under the Influence’. The ten track project provides us with proof the DC is one of the hottest new talents on the UK rap scene. He had a talk with us about all things that inspire him. 

Who are you top three musical inspirations?
J Cole, Chip & Kano;
They all know how to find the balance, all versatile and lyrically crazy.

Is there a certain film that inspires you? 
Remember the Titans? The film really showed me that “team work makes the dream work” 

What city do you find the most inspiring?
London - because it’s home. From walking to the corner shop or kicking ball with my friends, every experience here is inspiring. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you? 
My mum. To know where she’s come from to where she is today will always remind me, you can do whatever you put your mind to. 

How would you like to inspire people?
I’d like to inspire people to just be themselves without worrying what people may think. Life’s short so why waste time being someone you’re not.

Under The Influence, an album by DC on Spotify