The Artist Explains: STAL - 'Magic'

STAL speaks to us about the ideas behind his music video for ‘Magic’ which makes visual references to classic horror films such as Psycho and Night of the Living Dead, with a little bit of Breaking Bad thrown in.
’Magic’ is a catchy alternative rock tune with a tight groove, taken from STAL’s latest EP, ‘Fresh Blood’.

Where was the video for 'Magic' filmed? 
The music video has been filmed in a Motel in Los Angeles. 

How does the video connect with the song? 
Julien Hassid aka D-Coon, the director has an unconditional love for some absurd, trash and disturbing images. That's why i thought it was the perfect match with my music. I wanted to explore a new path for my sound and move away from my traditional "romantic/poetic" side. His vision would bring a touch of craziness and a different approach to my lyrics. 

Do you have any behind the scenes stories you could share with us? 
Do you mean when the Motel owner asked if we were here to shoot a porn movie ? ^^ 

Could you tell us about the ideas/ themes/ imagery used? 
Julien came up with this idea of building something around the horror theme. The image treatment has been made through all the classic horror criterias. Also, we thought that it was fun to add some movies references through the video. You'll be able to catch some Psycho (Hitchcock), Night of the living dead (Romero) or even Breaking Bad scenes ref. 

Is there a message the video is trying to convey? 
Julien said this and it's exactly the message we wanted to convey : 
"I wanted to tell a story about magic but in the non conventional sense. We decided to make a film about a girl who can't die. It's magic but dark and humorous at the same time." 

What do you hope people take away from watching the video? 
We want them to have fun and get the subliminal message that in 2019, girls don't die and they have the power. I truly believe our societies needs change and strong women will be a big part of this change, for a better future. 

Interview feature by Karla Harris