Introducing #0085 - Reminders


Let us introduce you to Isle of Wight trio Reminders, who have just released their latest single ‘Post Paris Blues’. We had chat with the lead singer, Leo Dyke, about the release and what the music scene is like on their little island. 

Your new track ‘Post Paris Blues’ is out now - what is the track about?
'Post Paris Blues' is about a time for me when I felt that everyone around me was moving on with their lives, on to bigger and better things, and I was stuck in my old ways romanticising old memories and replaying them over and over in my mind, kind of torturing myself with them. The song is a few songs I had written from a few years back, glued together lyrically. I wrote it with the other guys in the band, and they wrote a few lines when they felt they related to the lyrics as well. It's funny though, a few old friends have been trying to piece the song together with theories of what they think it's about: "who the fuck is Mary and what the fuck happened on her trampoline?!"

As you are from the Isle of Wight, can you tell us what the island has to offer in terms of a music scene?
There are some really cool bands on the Island. Some who are making moves onto the national scene and some treasures. We love our friends in Goo Lagoon, Preost, JEPH, the list is endless... recently the scene has been super busy with shows which is really cool to see.

Are there many venues to play there? Or do you have to travel over to the mainland to play shows?
I am convinced the Island has one of the nicest venues in the country in Strings. It's so rad and classy and just a really cool spot to hang out. But I think our plan for now is to hit the Island with an annual headliner and then tour the rest of the UK for the rest of the year. It’s definitely always nice to play at home though, a lot of the people who come to our shows on the Island have been seeing us play in other bands and what-not forever, so it's nice that they can finally see a good show from us after years of seeing us fuck up!

You have a busy summer for festivals, which ones are you looking forward to the most?
I think it's got to be the Isle of Wight Festival man, we played the main stage there last year and that was just a crazy experience. There are so many cool stages there with smaller bands which is what I'm most excited for - Kashmir Cafe is the best festival stage I've ever seen. Super psyched for Rhythm Tree festival too, I fucking love The Zombies so that's going to be sweet!

Catch the band live at the following dates:
June 13 - Isle of Wight Festival
June 15 - Winchestival, Winchester 
August 2 - Great Wonderfest, Isle of Wight