Captain Süün – 'Melted Sea'
Photo credit: Greg Jackson
Gently rocking western over waves of balmy garage stars, ‘Melted Sea’ is the latest single to be self-released by Bristolian conch crooners Captain Süün (August 23rd, via Bad Luck Records). Swaying quite contently straight out of the lagoon-ed minds of a quartet of well maned charmers, this track will glide hop over your conscious and into the deepest pools of your heart.
Sweltering-ly golden like an underwater meadow of 70’s printed sunflowers, Captain Süün supply guitar guzzling hydration to their listeners as they leadingly lean towards a sun of psych-soaked delight. As we melt into the sea of tightly held harmonies there’s a brief introductory strum before we’re engulfed in a tale of the bluest blue- oh! Floating alee with a clear surf, Melted Sea is one-part classic rock ‘n’ roll, the other half affectionate melancholy fuzz and ever so wholly swinging. You’re gonna want to dance barefoot and free on the sandy pebbles with this one.
A single with the most satisfyingly lingered endings just like the ones in the good old days, the timing of this release could not be anymore lush. Late summer breezin’ into the horizon and down in the fuzzy below.
Words of Al Mills