The Artist Explains: Boduf Songs - 'Gimme Vortex'


Boduf Songs has just released the lead single from his new album, ‘Gimme Vortex’, he took a moment to talk to us in more depth about the track.

Your track 'Gimme Vortex'' is out now, what is the meaning behind the title? 
It means "give me vortex".

What is the inspiration behind the song? 
Vortex privation and the desire to ameliorate it.

Where was the track recorded? Are there any behind the scenes stories you are happy to share with us? 
It was recorded at home, in the basement studio, with the lights turned low and the Caligari Vibrometer filtered at around 15Khz. I structured a ritual of incantation under a harmonic fifth and left the tapes rolling while I took the dog for a walk. We wandered through the fields over the back of the graveyard, and the dog went crazy trying to get something under the hedgerow, like she just wouldn't let it go. I was trying to see what it was but it was dark and it was starting to rain, so I picked her up and walked away. She's usually pretty well behaved, so this was weird. She was barking and whimpering, and the rain was kind of loud by this time, but as we rounded the corner I heard a strange little voice coming from behind me, somewhere back around that hedgerow. It just said "easy". By the time we got home we were soaked through, and things had gotten really out of hand in the basement. The rounded edges of the parallax curtain had folded in on an echo rupture, and the spleens were all glooty on the time track. I thought about calling it off, but the dog was encouraging by this point, so we said fuck it, got some snacks, and saw it through till morning. Sometimes a little goes a long way.

What do you hope your listeners take from the song? 
Remain aloof.

Now the track is out there, what next? What are your plans for the next few months? 
There's a whole album of this stuff coming out on Orindal records on October 4th. It can be pre-ordered at Thanks.

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