The Artist Eplains: Heavy Hearts - 'Vexed'


Ontarian alt-rock outfit Heavy Hearts blend sugar, spice and everything nice from all your favourite corners of rock, and emphatically return with the biting single 'Vexed'.

Where was the video for 'Vexed' filmed?“Vexed” (like the majority of our videos) was filmed in the building we practice in. We have this wonderfully old dilapidated building that we practice in with a lot of empty spaces. We wait for the rest of the tenants to leave and run free. It’s a perfect place for a music video or a horror film.

How does the video connect with the song?The main focus with this video, outside of something visually striking, was to capture the colours we see when listening to this specific song and the record in whole, as well as trying to capture the chaos this song portrays.

Do you have any behind the scenes stories you could share with us?While filming this video, the fog machine tripped the fire alarm and our jam space flooded. All around a complete train wreck.

Could you tell us about the ideas/themes/imagery used?We saw this video as a way to reintroduce the band in its newest formation. The theme we tried to capture in this video is more of a “vibe”/colour scheme that we thought properly represented the song and the feel of the upcoming record.

What do you hope people take away from watching the video?We hope people can view this video as a first step into a new world. There are a lot of places and themes we plan on diving into, and we hope this video and song are enough to have you join us on this ride we call RWAV2020.

Interview by Robin Fulton

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Video