SHY Martin - 'Slow'

SHY Martin strips things back on poignant single, ‘Slow’.

SHY Martin strips things back from her usual vibrant electro pop sound on current single, ‘Slow,’ which puts her poignant lyrical finesse and beautiful vocal at the forefront of her sound. ‘Slow’ is delicately accompanied by an emotive driving acoustic guitar melody and subtle melodic keys which simmers with a slow burning intensity.

While SHY Martin has most definitely made a mark for herself on the electro pop scene, SHY Martin wears exposed and intimate really well, as ‘Slow’ shows off a different kind of evocation, honesty an versatility to her sound.

This stripped style also takes SHY Martin to her roots as a musician as explains,
When I started writing songs I never did it without my guitar. I spent hours and hours writing on my bed with it, and if not there it was on a little pier by a lake next to our house. A few years ago when I moved to Stockholm I stopped writing songs that way. This past summer me, my brother and two of my closest friends and co-writers Nirob and Litens went to spend a weekend at my parents’ place in the countryside where I grew up. We ended up bringing the guitar everywhere we went. It was the first time in years I’d even held the guitar, but I guess going back to where it all started made me feel like nothing had really changed. 'Slow' was written during those days in the countryside. I picked up the guitar while we were eating breakfast one morning and started playing some chords. We were talking about how scary it can be jumping into a relationship immediately after a break up. I really felt like I wanted to keep the feeling we had when we wrote it by keeping the production simple, organic.”

A really touching and genuine offering that resonates deeply, plucking at its listeners heart strings one affecting note at a time.

Words of Karla Harris