Introducing #169 - LINN


Let us introduce you to Copenhagen based DIY artist LINN, who has just provided us with the most recent teaser of her debut EP (due out this November), with new track ‘Frozen Pizza’. She took a moment to talk to us about her music in more depth. 

Hey LINN, how are you? How does it feel to be releasing music during this strange time for the creative industry? 
I miss dancing and hugging and sweating in crowds, I miss sitting close to my friends, I miss being able to play my songs live with a band. 
I was supposed to go on a support tour in Europe this fall, but of course that’s not possible now. I wonder when it will be or if the small venues will survive that long. For now, I am planning a few shows in Copenhagen when the EP is out. Trying to hang in there, but it hurts to see people, countries and the live industry suffer from all that is happening in the world right now. 

You have a new track out called ‘Frozen Pizza’ - does that have any certain meaning to you? 
The song is about all the qualities and nuances of a frozen pizza and everyday life. It’s something I am trying to teach myself and it’s more relevant now than ever. Adding a little red wine makes it easier.

It is the first some we get to hear from your debut EP, when can we get to hear that? 
My EP “Happy Metal” is out 20th November 2020. 

What city are you from and what is it famous four? 
You can find me, a lot of dark and cozy bodegas and The Little Mermaid, in the city of Copenhagen. For more info watch this

What are your key musical influences as an artist?
It changes from time to time, but at the time of writing and recording the songs of the Happy Metal EP, I was very influenced by GarageBand plugins, krautrock, John Lennon’s “Imagine” album (always been inspired by this one in so many ways), minimalistic r&b and everything on Disney+.

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Introducing