Stefano Fasce - 'Human'

While it might not often be possible to convey a narrative without lyrics, it is possible to convey feelings and emotion, something that Stefano Fasce manages to do effortlessly on ‘Human’, the lead single from his forthcoming album Solitary Places. A fitting title for a single inspired “by the experience of being in a remote place and gaining a new, hopeful perspective on our reality”.

Recorded with a string ensemble at London’s Metropolis Studios, it’s this that lends ‘Human’ its emotional gravitas, and ability to evoke feelings of solitude and sadness as much they can those of airy optimism and excitement. 

Ushered in on a bed of understated strings and piano before a lone violin breaks out, providing a jagged and mournful focus point amongst a slowly unfurling tapestry that peaks and troughs as the track progresses. 

With such a strong emphasis on the strings it’s easy to imagine ‘Human’ harbouring a darkness or a despondency that permeates its entirety. Though there are such moments, the undercurrent of optimism that flows steadily throughout is enough to counterbalance the track’s despondency. Indeed, even at its darkest moments, the optimism is at its strongest; the steady flow now a torrent of synth, cello, piano and violin, entwining to create a dramatic conclusion.

Though on the outside it’s clear that ‘Human’s is an accomplished and moving piece of music, it’s only on repeat listens that the true beauty of it really begins to reveal itself. From the subtle interplay of cellos and violin, to the steady introduction of synth which provides a fuller feeling across the track’s latter half, emotionally it’s both moving and evocative, musically it’s something truly special. 

Words of Dave Beech