Like Lions - 'Ides of March'

Like Lions straddles the fine line between emotional overload and apathy on lofi indie folk single, ‘Ides of March’.

‘Ides of March’ was written and recorded during 2020s first bout of lockdowns and sees Like Lions document the global uncertainty we all shared during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The track opens with the gentle beep boop of fluttering electronics, setting a cosmic and surreal feeling to the track. Like Lions’ fragile, distorted vocal comes in channeling raw emotion that is intensified by a swirling soundscape of cinematic indie folk textures. In fact, ‘Ides of March’ sounds a lot like Bon Iver trying to dial home and connect with his loved ones from the darkest parts of outer space. Like Lions sure knows how to make bleak sound beautiful.

Words of Karla Harris

Ides of March’ is taken from Like Lions’ ‘Epilogue’ EP which is the final instalment of Like Lions four-part EP project, ‘Election Season’.