Pondarosa - 'As You Think'


Pondarosa are continuing their journey down the wormhole of disco-infused sound with their addictive new single ‘As You Think’. 

Split across the two musical powerhouses of Liverpool and Manchester, this four-piece have quickly risen to be one of the North West’s brightest prospects. 2020 has been a lull year for this band’s energetic live show, but it has allowed the quartet to focus and grow the psychedelic side of their sound. 

The quartet have dropped the drums for keys, dropping funky basslines, and taking inspiration from the likes of big hitters New Order which gives you a much-needed lift of energy as soon as you hit play. 

‘As You Think’ sees them collaborate Matt Heap for a third time, which shows as the band seem comfortable in the process of easily blending guitar with these newfound electronic influences. 2020 has presented an opportunity for bands to try something new, which Pondarosa have taken by the horns and to the brink of breaking out of the North West. 

‘As You Think’, the new single from Pondarosa is available now on all major streaming platforms. 

Words by Danial Kennedy

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