Inspired #182 - Sophie Jamieson


Sophie Jamieson has just released her second EP of 2020 titled ‘Release’. Produced by Steph Marziano, who has worked with the likes of Hayley Williams, Gia Ford and Lapsley, the EP reflects on a period of loneliness and self-destruction. Sophie took a moment to talk to us about the inspirations behind her music and the EP. 

Who are your top three musical inspirations?
Sharon Van Etten, Aldous Harding and Elena Tonra. All three hold absolutely nothing back, and expose their souls with determination and conviction. It makes you feel more human, more alive, to listen to their music and even more to watch each of them perform. I’m inspired by musicians who put their hearts on the line and make themselves truly vulnerable.

Is there a certain film that inspires you?
Thus far I haven’t really connected music and film when it comes to my own project. But my favourite film is ‘Thelma and Louise’. It’s inspiring in general, as two women just doing what they have to do to survive, to get through each day and keeping each other going along the way. I guess you could say I’m inspired by those who push to the end, whatever the end ends up looking like. In T&L it’s devastating, magnificent and glorious.

What city do you find the most inspiring?
I’ve only lived in London, but this city provides more than enough inspiration to go round. I’ve lived in the East End for 6 years, it’s been the backdrop and stage set to everything I’ve written about. It’s grimy, run-down, ugly and gross in places but I love every inch of it and I guess it seeps into all of my music.

Who is the most inspiring person to you?
My close friend Sarah Goodson, who has her own music project. She is hell bent on doing what she knows she was put on this earth to do. Watching her persist with such grace, integrity, grit and always kindness gives me strength to attempt to do the same each day.

What were your inspirations when writing your new EP?
I think I’m mostly inspired by contraction, surprising and uncomfortable truths about the human condition. I find it interesting how we are able to undermine ourselves and throw obstacles across our own paths on a day to day basis. I watched myself do this with a kind of morbid fascination. I find the tangles within our own minds, the contradictory impulses and the tyranny of choice a rich source of inspiration for writing.

How would you like to inspire people?
I’d be happy if I could encourage someone to look themselves straight in the eye, flaws and all, and marvel at it. We are multi-layered, confused and conditioned creatures, we break our own rules and values, we shame and punish ourselves. The ultimate goal of my work is to find a way to forgive myself for being human, and to help in some way, to help others do the same.