Inspired #183 - Vox Rea


Vox Rea talk to us about the inspirations behind their music and their most recent single ‘Sinartra’.

Who are your top three musical inspirations?
Patrick Watson for his whimsical, free-form musicality.
Michael Kiwanuka for creating a perfect fusion of modern and classic soul.
Joni Mitchell for following her artistic instincts at all costs.

Is there a certain film that inspires you?
It’s hard to pick just one — Moulin Rouge or really anything by Baz Luhrmann, Requiem for a Dream or anything Darren Aronofsky, Sofia Coppola is also incredible. Any film with a sort of dark magical realism. We’re inspired by art that turns reality on its head and acts like some kind of distorted mirror.

What city do you find the most inspiring?
We finished writing the album while living in Berlin last summer. The city has a bit of a post-apocalyptic feel to it with so much art and individuality coming up through the cracks. There is nowhere in the world quite like Berlin and it had a big influence on our aesthetic philosophy.

Who is the most inspiring person to you?
The artists, poets, and philosophers in history who only achieved notoriety after their deaths. They made incredible art not for money or fame, but out of pure passion and self-belief.

What were your inspirations when writing your new track?
Sinatra was written when we were living in Toronto as a band. It was inspired by a general restlessness and sense of unease. There is a lot of longing in the song — for home, for escape, for the golden ages of the past, and the promises of the future.

How would you like to inspire people?
To feel like they have the power to create their own beliefs, reality and lives.
Everyone is an artist and their life is a work of art.

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