The Artist Explains: Maeta - 'Kind Of Fool'

LA -based singer-songwriter Maeta speaks to us about braving the cold in the LA desert for her aesthetically pleasing music video, ‘Kind Of Fool’.

Where was the video for ‘Kind Of Fool’ filmed?
We shot this video in Palmdale, a couple hours from LA. It was in the middle of the desert and was cold as hell.

How does the video connect with the song?
In the beginning of the video, I fall asleep on a bus and end up having this dream about my friends and I. I’m basically singing to this boy with my friends in the desert lol. Not a super deep meaning, but it makes more sense when you tie it together with the rest of the videos.

Do you have any behind the scenes stories you can share with us?
This isn’t really a story, but where we shot was so cold, and we all had to wear bodysuits in the video. We were shivering. Every time I shot the shivers went away, but in between takes I was shaking and could barely feel my legs lol.

Could you tell us about the ideas/ themes/ imagery used?
We wanted a dreamy feel to the video, so we went to the desert, all had matching bodysuits on, and used this mesh fabric to make the video visually pleasing. This video was more about visuals than anything. There are just a lot of beautiful shots.

Is there a message the video is trying to convey?
I hope when people watch this video, they watch all of the others with it lol. We did a video for each song on my EP, and it tells the story of a relationship I was in, beginning to end. Watching all of them together will make more sense.

Interview by Karla Harris