The Duo Explains: Overcoats - 'Fire & Fury'

Brooklyn duo Overcoats speak to us about their intelligently crafted single and artistic music video, ‘Fire & Fury’, which explores the themes of anxiety, apocalypse and our society’s obsession with vanity.

Where was the video for ‘Fire & Fury’ filmed?
It was filmed in Wrightwood California, two hours north east of LA.

How does the video connect with the song?
The song deals with ideas about vanity and the emphasis on beauty that our generation has cultivated. We used a lot of mirrors in the video to point to this. The song also alludes to the climate crisis, and we felt it was important to film it in a beautiful place that has been ravaged by forest fires. The burnt landscape signifies the apocalyptic nature of politics today.

Do you have any behind the scenes stories you can share with us?
It was a whirlwind video shoot. We arrived in LA the NIGHT BEFORE and had to learn all of the choreography for the video. Dance is life.

Could you tell us about the ideas/ themes/ imagery used?
The song is about anxiety, apocalypse, our society’s obsession with vanity. We always pictured the video in desolate/post-apocalyptic landscape to show what the world would look like if we continued on the path we’re currently on. Then, we included flowers to contrast this life/death. And lots of mirrors, including a hexagonal mirrored wall and fire to show the connection between vanity and danger.

Is there a message the video is trying to convey?
You’re definitely supposed to take your own message from it. But for us, it’s about how even in the hopelessness we sometimes feel about our society and it’s future, friendship and hope and connection is what gets you through.

Interview by Karla Harris

’Fire & Fury’ is taken from Overcoats forthcoming album, ‘The Fight’ which is due for release March 6th and available for pre-order, here.