TV People – ‘Time Eats Up’

TV People 6 [Credit - Nicholas O'Donnell'.png

TV People return with another indie garage singalong with ‘Time Eats Up’.

‘Time Eats Up’ is the second single from Dublin’s jangle indie punks TV People. Musically, the band use a similar formula to their debut single ‘Kitchen Sinking’ (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it). ‘Time Eats Up’ has the delicate abandon that made the best 00s post-punk/garage bands stand out. It’s fragile yet hits you hardest when it is required, as the verses are built around sparse instrumentation and long forlorn vocal notes and the chorus comes in with a melodic punch. It needs to be, as the lyrics were written following a “six-month spell of employment” that invoked feelings of “intense solitude and isolation”. 

‘Time Eats Up’ isn’t a long song at two and a half minutes, but that is all the time TV People need.

Words by Matthew Brocklehurst