Deqn Sue - 'Troll'

Alabama artist Deqn Sue puts a playful spin on a failed relationship on, ‘Troll’.

Deqn Sue’s ‘Troll’ offers a vibrant splash of sonic colour as it transitions through bold funk r&b and pop influences, simultaneously feeling retro but still sitting pretty in contemporary listening. ‘Troll’ is a light hearted song seeing Deqn Sue’s gorgeous soulful vocal bounce out of its elastic production with confidence as she humorously refers to an ex as being a ‘troll’.

But there’s also emotional depth here. Deqn Sue makes room for self reflection as she explains:

”I wrote Troll about an ex… In the song I’m talking to him in that “hindsight is 20/20” kinda way.  All the things I should have noticed and didn’t. All the things I should have said something about when it bothered me but didn’t. All the fucking red flags I ignored. How in failing at something I thought I wanted to work, I learned so much about me and my limits, needs and wants.. Troll’s like a final purge from that relationship and being happy to be done with it. Lessons learned. “

An energetic song that lives its listener feeling liberated.

Words of Karla Harris