The Wild Blue – ‘Love/Hate NY’

All love, no hate for The Wild Blue!

The Wild Blue are a post-punk quartet form New York City and ‘Love/Hate NY’ is a track that anyone even vaguely interested in the genre needs to check out.

Like all great bands from New York, The Wild Blue have that cool New York swagger in their music that is perfectly showcased in ‘Love/Hate NY’. It opens with a simple synth riff with ghostly reverb vocals and then lifts into the chorus comes in, following the surreal Pixies-esque line: “Ah shit, that was the best motherfucking bagel I ever had”. ‘Love/Hate NY’ has an arty vibe about it, particularly the vocal melody for the chorus. It’s a bit weird, yet catchy as hell. And there’s a hint of country-punk too, particularly in the guitars that are reminiscent of early Gun Club. It gets thrashy towards the end as the band really dig into their instruments. Altogether, this is in a similar field to Bambara, without the Nick Cave-style gloominess.

Words of Matthew Brocklehurst

‘Love/Hate NY’ is on The Wild Blue’s album Anonymous Future. Definitely check that out.