Introducing #124 - Sody

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Sody has given us the first taster of her up-coming EP - with latest single ‘Charlotte’. She took a moment to talk to us about living in London, her heart breaking new track and wearing her heart on her sleeve.

So, your new single ‘Charlotte’ is out now - can you tell us what the track is about? 
I used to have a best friend called Charlotte years ago but we drifted apart. Recently she reached out to me and all the happy memories we had together came flooding back. It upset me because I thought we would be friends forever. Friendship breakups are painful too! It was a song I had wanted to write for years but didn’t know how to. I guess I just wanted to know if she was okay.

You are based in London, what’s your favourite thing about the city? Where do you go for musical kicks? 
I love London because there is so much to explore and do. I am constantly stumbling on hidden gems like little cafes and bookshops. Near my mum’s house there’s a cute vinyl cafe where you can pick any vinyl to play. I go there quite a lot to find inspiration from watching people interact or I just gather my thoughts alone. I think supporting your local community is so so important. 

Your writing style is rather honest, do you consider yourself a person who ‘wears their heart on their sleeve’? 
Oh definitely. I’ve always been somebody to overshare. I can’t help it. When I feel something, I need to get my emotions out. I’ve never been somebody who is afraid to speak their mind… (not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing!). I’m so lucky to be able to put my thoughts into music to hopefully help others with what they’re going through. It’s my therapy. I think honesty is the best policy!

Who would you say are your key musical inspirations? 
I am very inspired by people who tell stories in their music. It inspires me to tell my truths knowing other artists have been brave enough to do so. I love the passion in Dermot Kennedy’s songs and his beautiful lyrics. Bon Iver always gets me into a creative mood because his music is so unique and wholesome and inspires me to try something new. 

Now the track is out there, what next? 
Unfortunately I won’t be doing gigs for a while with everything that’s happening in the world. I was really looking forward to performing on stage this year and meeting my fans. However, I do have more music coming out which I am very excited about! I actually have an uplifting song on its way which will be a nice change hahaha! It feels weird to have something to look forward to but the power of music is strong and I hope people can find some comfort in mine.