Introducing #138 - ell ivy


Let us introduce you to ell ivy, who has just released her single ‘You Love Her’ - a beautiful ambient track that creates it’s own universe with it’s atmospheric sounds. She took a moment to talk to us about the track and her musical influences. 

So, firstly who are you? 
I am ell ivy, I’m an independent alt-pop artist based in London and I write songs you can listen to whilst staring out of car windows!

Where are you from and what is it famous for? 
I’m from a small town up north called Grimsby and it used to be famous for its fishing but now I’m pretty sure its famous for the Sacha Baron Cohen movie “The Brothers Grimsby”. Its the first thing people ask me when I tell them where I am from.

Who would you say are your key musical influences when it comes to your sound? 
Definitely Daughter when it comes to my sound, I love their production and you can hear that in some of my songs. I’m also influenced by Kacey Musgraves, Don McLean and Passenger. Their songwriting is incredible and I love the way they use language and music to tell stories through their songs.

Your track ‘You Love Her’ is out now, can you tell us what the track is about?  
This song is about an unrequited love and being in love with someone who is in love with someone else. It is a true story that happened to me a few years back, I love to write about my experiences with love.

Tell us one thing about you that people might be surprised to hear? 
I love playing The Sims, I’ve been playing it since I was a kid and have bought every game they’ve released - its quite lame but I can’t help it I love it!