Girl Friday – 'Amber’s Knees'

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LA punk rockers Girl Friday announce their upcoming album ‘Androgynous Mary’ (August 21st) with ground-breaking new single ‘Amber’s Knees: A Matter of Concern”.

‘Amber’s Knees’ thrills from the get-go. With fast-paced, infectious guitars and explosive rhythms the song immediately captures attention, radiating a confidence that speaks for their strong bond as a band. However, in true punk-rock fashion, the power of the song lies in its poignant lyricism, unapologetically calling on the daily frustrations of nihilism - “Crushed by the why, crushed by the if, frightened by the nothing.”

Talking about the song, Girl Friday explain: "'Amber’s Knees' came together lyrically from bits and pieces that we’d all written over a long period of time. It’s the first song we wrote for the album. It has to do with the borders of culturally sanctioned dissociation and the wilful ignorance we often employ to keep things functioning, which manifests differently for everyone. We wanted the video to be an extreme example of this, so naturally we turned to reality TV for inspiration. However, that initial idea festered into a visual fever dream fuelled by our increasingly dystopian waking reality. As life seems to spiral ever further out of our control, we keep ourselves grounded dancing above a greenscreen sea."

Word by Laura Freyaldenhoven