Morgan Harper-Jones – 'Typical'


Do you know the feeling of listening to a speech or a song or a monologue and wanting to throw your hands in the air screaming “Yes. Finally, someone said it!” If you don’t, you’re about to when you listen to Morgan Harper-Jones’s breath-taking new single ‘Typical’ that gives some much-needed perspective on commitment phobia. 

‘Typical’ is slow and unforgiving. Morgan’s soulful vocals take the spotlight to a backdrop of subtle piano-led melodies creating the perfect setting for her unapologetically honest lyricism: “It’s hard to love someone who doesn’t want to be loved, hard to love someone who always keeps a guard up, who’s scared of letting you in.” 

Explaining the feelings behind ‘Typical’, Morgan explains: “I wrote ‘Typical’ as an ‘eye roll and exit’ song, loosely inspired by activist Gina Martin’s wise words: ‘Loving someone shouldn't make you feel like you need to make yourself more loveable. You shouldn't have to work to convince someone to love you and want to spend time with you. Your relationship, like your friendships, should be your solace in this mad world. Do yourself a favour and take inconsistency, lack of interest or de-prioritisation as a no.’ Further recommended listening: Lizzo’s ‘Good as Hell’.”

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven