In Conversation With #082 - Lucy May Walker


Lucy May Walker has just released her uplifting new EP ‘Bad Day’ - a follow up to her debut ‘Heartbreak Songs’ that was released in 2018. She adds her own unique personality to the tracks to create her own spin on modern folk and pop. She took a moment to talk to us about the release in more depth. 

So the new EP ‘Bad Day’ is out now - how does it feel? 
For me it always feels like you’ve been sat waiting for the songs to come out since the day you wrote them, so I guess you could say it feels like a long time coming. Normally when I release new music I’ve been performing the songs live for months before so people are familiar with them but this EP I kept a couple of songs a secret so knowing it’ll be the first time anyone’s heard them is really exciting.

How does the EP differ from your debut ‘Heartbreak Songs’ that came out two years ago? 
I’m sure you can guess from the title, Heartbreak Songs had a bit of a theme. For a long time I thought breakup songs was basically my brand for life but I made some wiser decisions in my dating life and ran out of inspiration. I’d say Bad Day feels a lot happier and all the songs are co-written with artists I’d never worked with previously, so this EP has really different musical influences.

The track ‘Home From Home’ is inspired by your love for Edinburgh. What do you love about that city the most? 
Every year I visit Edinburgh Fringe Festival and for the past two years I’ve been performing there busking. What I love about the fringe especially is how it feels like an escape from reality - there’s so much going on you don’t have too much time to think, you just allow yourself to get lost in it’s bubble. Every time I go back, it’s so familiar that it feels like I’ve never left.

The EP feels like a series of snapshots in your life, with each track taking a moment. How did you decide which life moments made it onto the EP? 
I always write about personal experiences, and I’ve had some pretty major changes in my life over the past couple of years so naturally that’s what has come out in my songs. I never think too hard about what songs make it and don’t, I think you just know. The EP takes you through so many different emotions that I hope there’s something in there that’s relatable for everyone. 

Do you have a favorite lyric on the EP, if so which one and why? 
You can’t get over someone by finding someone new, you’ve got to work on yourself and I’m here to help you through
(You Say You’ve Moved On)
I think maybe this one, just because I want to shout it to as many people as possible. You see so many of your loved ones heartbroken, and two minutes later they’re in a new relationship and telling everyone how happy they are. We have a tendency as humans, to suppress our feelings when we should really address them and get help. I’d love to normalise being single and taking time to work on your own happiness before jumping into new relationships.

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