Introducing #148 - Harry The Nightgown


Let us introduce you to the quirky duo Harry The Nightgown, who combine influences from the likes of Kate Bush to the Raincoats. The past few months has seen them release two strong singles in the form of ‘Ping Pong’ and ‘Pill Poppin Therapist’. We had a chat with the band about their music. 

Hey, so how are you? 
Spencer- Hello, doing ok! learning a lot everyday, trying to open this small brain I have to the . thinking about reparations, police and prison abolition, and about me and sami’s role in anti-racism.
I’m also in the middle of moving a lot of my stuff into storage in la, and running out all crazy today! am i talking too much?
How are you?
Sami- Yes yes yes Spencer! Definitely been thinking about how to restructure my daily life in the context of covid and putting in the work to sustain antiracism in the context of my own personal power. Hope you are doing well!

Where does the name Harry the Nightgown come from? 
Sami- Harry was a tree friend of mine that sat outside my window as a kid. I grew up in SF across from Alamo square park (full house loc), and this tree was uniquely covered in ivy so I named it Harry the Nightgown because of its beautifully vine-y dress. Since childhood the neighborhood got cleaned up, and poor Harry was shaved. Anyway, Spencer liked the name so we took it as our own.

So, Harry the Nightgown are two people, how did Spencer and Sami meet? What made you decide to form a band together? 
Spencer- We met at a show we played together when sami was on tour at least 6 years ago now. We stayed in touch, and would send each other music back and forth, and occasionally visit each other (I lived in la, sami in sf) Eventually, sami started working at Tiny Telephone, parallel to me recording people more frequently on my own, so we would talk on the phone and exchange theory, and I would beg for advice...  Later on, I moved to the bay area for a bit, and started spending more time at Tiny Telephone. Me and sami did a record together called Ball Earth, (our friend Ryan Heinke’s amazing music ft us and Meg Webb). It was our first collaborative production, and I think we both saw the potential of doing some songs together. Once we did one song, we just kept going and out popped an album!

So your first single was called ‘Ping Pong’ and your latest one is called ‘Pill Poppin Therapist’, can you tell us what those tracks are about? 
Spencer- Ping Pong does a really vague read on my emotions after me and sami stopped dating, it was a throw away song that we finished pretty quickly before wrapping the record. 
Sami- Pill Poppin therapist is about the idea of delusional stability in a codependent relationship. When I wrote these lyrics, Spence and I were dating. Maybe it was subconsciously a message to him, or more likely something we had actually talked about that day. Even though it is painful at times, I really appreciate that we can be honest with each other in our own lyrics, since we’re often writing about one another!  

Where are you based? What do you like to do for fun there? 
Spencer- We’re both based on Los Angeles, but I am living in Guerneville for the next few months. I am into gardening, recently rediscovered swimming, and I’m helping my friend finish building a house we started a few years ago. 
Sami- Yes I moved to LA about a year ago (as did Spencer) but have been enjoying traveling up t SF and Guerneville still. It feels important to have a non-urban retreat. When quarantine started we were both up in guerneville and I would spend most of my days watching the season change. But I’m excited to get to know LA better and feel more at home here. 

How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard of you before?Spencer- It can be chaotic or a gentle listen, based on how close you pay attention
Sami- There is definitely an experimental element but it’s pop at its core. 

What next? 
Spencer- We’re working on two new tracks that we’re planning on releasing in the fall, and a second album right now that we’re trying to wrap up before the end of 2020!
Sami- True! Our first full length comes o ur August 7th and I’m super excited!